Hello! Welcome to my page.

Hi! Welcome to Allegory Landing, a page for writing tips & tricks, fun Friday articles, and monthly short stories. I have two main goals for this publication: (1) to give helpful info and resources for aspiring writers, while sprinkling in lighter reading to grow an atmosphere of community on my page, and (2) to bring back the art of the short story - an art often overlooked in modern literature - while still saying something relevant along the way (usually regarding those topics that we don’t think about much, but that we absolutely should!). I love writing stories so much that I’ve devoted this page, my small business website (emmagracewrites.com), and my journey-tracking instagram account (emmagracewrites), to showcasing the adventures of pursuing a writing career in a heavily digitized world. 📝

While encouraging aspiring writers and crafting short stories are at the center of my page, I’m also passionate about novel writing. You may occasionally see snippets of whatever novel I’m currently stumbling through, and I hope you’ll support my journey towards publication. 📚

Please subscribe to brighten my day (and to get full access to the newsletter, website, and all that jazz). I even made the button a relaxing shade of purple, so it’s really appealing…

Scroll for more info on me and my page! <3

This is me, enjoying the nice Florida weather in January (just in case you wanted to put a face to the writer behind the screen 😉)

Stay up-to-date

When you subscribe, you won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new publication goes directly to your inbox. Since I know how annoying constant emails are, I’ll work hard to maintain a healthy balance between keeping you entertained and avoiding flooding your inbox. For now, you can expect a maximum of two main-page posts per week!

Join the crew!

Be part of a community of people who share your interests. I’m hoping this page will gather an awesome group of people - a community of readers and writers who encourage one another to truly love the art of writing. ❤️

Subscribe to Allegory Landing with Emma Nelson

Some tips & tricks for freelance writing... and a happy dosage of fiction & humor along the way :)


Hi, I'm Emma, a Baylor grad and full-time premium ghostwriter & editor! 😊 I'm so glad you're here. Check out my newsletter, Allegory Landing, for some writing tips & tricks, fun philosophical articles, and short stories!