I’m trying to figure out threads too. Oh, I get what they are for, but trying out chats resulted in no comments early on, so I realized you needed a certain size audience before you could reliably get traction. For me it was as I approached and then surpassed 100 subscribers. So I should do some threads as well, perhaps to talk about book content or structure or something.

But I’m here to help your thread get started.

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Thank you!! You're the best - it's been awesome having someone support my work besides just family. That's good advice, and you're probably exactly right! 😊

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What I have learned is that you get readers by writing content, but the readers show up maybe months later. Just this week I got a new subscriber who said, oh good, fiction! I looked and they were active on Substack for a week. But my work was new to them, so book 1 chapter 1 is not old stuff to their eyes.

Just build out your content and watch the subscribers follow. But it will be slow at times. Don’t despair. Your (and I) are in it for the long haul.

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I am finishing up my day job at the end of this month to pursue writing full time, so hopefully more frequency of posts will help. But I’m also working on a website to grow my small business for writing memoirs, love stories for couples, and biographies for people! I find that a lot of veterans and older folks want their life journeys told in a storytelling format, and a lot of people want their loved one’s life immortalized after the person has passed away. I’m excited for what’s next!!

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What a splendid idea. All the success in the world to you!

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Thank you!! ☺️

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