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Thank you!

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You're welcome always God bless you and your family

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Great breakdown of how a book can benefit various professionals, and it was a bitter reality to note that the books are likely to have moderate sales but drive higher ticket transactions.

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Thank you! Yes, that’s the sad reality… but on the bright side, it’s encouraging that books still hold some kind of intellectual signaling weight in our world. Seeing that someone wrote a book still signals professional to us, and that’s pretty cool!

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Emma, #1....16 hours is a nightmare. Hopefully you are on another road now, the road to recovery. #2... Never apologize for self-promotion on a platform like Substack, besides you are tasteful and moderate about it. There are some on here that either make me gag, or bust out laughing - or both, at the pompous and arrogant way they carry on. - Jim

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Ha! Of course I got sick right when I got back… but luckily, I’m doing better now. Thanks for your well wishes! And oh how I appreciate your kind words. I’m always afraid to be a nuisance in the business! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„

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